Transfer Learning vs Domain Adaptation

January 10, 2022

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in recent years through advancements in deep learning, which has enabled more sophisticated AI systems. Transfer learning and domain adaptation are two methods used in deep learning to improve the performance of AI systems. Although both concepts deal with the transfer of knowledge from one domain to another, they differ in their approach and application.

Transfer Learning

Transfer learning is a technique where knowledge gained from training one model is transferred to another model to solve a different but related task. The idea is to use existing pre-trained models and retrain them on a new task, rather than starting from scratch. Transfer learning can enhance the performance of an AI system, as it reduces the time and resources required to train a new model.

For example, a pre-trained natural language processing (NLP) model can be used to classify texts, such as email messages or social media posts, by retraining it on a different set of labeled data. This way, the system can identify patterns and relationships within the new text more efficiently.

Studies have shown that transfer learning can produce more accurate results than training a new model from scratch, especially when dealing with a limited amount of labeled data. One notable example of transfer learning is the GPT-2 language model developed by OpenAI, which achieved state-of-the-art results on various NLP tasks.

Domain Adaptation

Domain adaptation, on the other hand, deals with situations where data that was trained in one domain is applied to a different domain. The goal is to make an AI system that is trained on one set of data adapt to a new and unseen set of data.

Domain adaptation is useful when there is a discrepancy between the training and testing datasets, such as differences in language, context, or encoding. For instance, an NLP model trained on reviews of restaurants in New York might not perform well when applied to reviews of restaurants in Paris, as the domains are different. By adapting the model to the new domain, it can be made to perform better.

Domain adaptation can be achieved by adjusting the model's parameters or fine-tuning the pre-trained model to the new domain. The effectiveness of domain adaptation depends on the similarity of the source and target domains.


In summary, transfer learning is used when the source and target domains are similar, but the tasks are different. In contrast, domain adaptation is used when the source and target domains are different, but the task remains the same.

Transfer learning requires a large amount of labeled data in the source domain to achieve good performance. If the source domain has different characteristics from the target domain, transfer learning may not work effectively. Conversely, domain adaptation requires an unlabeled dataset in the target domain to function effectively.

Both transfer learning and domain adaptation are essential techniques in deep learning applications to quickly and efficiently adapt models. Understanding the differences between the two techniques is vital in deciding which technique to use in a particular context.


  • Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., & Courville, A. (2016). Deep learning. MIT press.
  • Pan, S. J., & Yang, Q. (2010). A survey on transfer learning. IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering, 22(10), 1345-1359.
  • Sun, B. (2020). Transfer learning and domain adaptation—A survey. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 10(5), e1381.

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